NET Foundation - set up of an e-learning platform for education in Ethiopia
The Huisman Foundation funds the set up of a blended e-learning platform in Ethiopia by the NET Foundation. The NET Foundation already set up e-learning programmes for blended learning in many countries in Latin America, the Middle East and Africa.
Blended e-learning implies that the (continuous) e-learning is interchanged with some local training sessions per year. A good digital learning environment is a solution for people who can’t follow regular training, for example because of the long distances, costs, work or family conditions are restrictive.
Setting up the e-learning platform lasts three years. At least three organizations work together on this platform for their blended learning curricula. The goal is to train every year at least 50-100 students remotely. After three years, this platform will be open for other organizations to join and there is no need for external financing; maintenance and running costs are paid by the member schools themselves. For this purpose, in this project the internet technology is made available, local staff trained and supervised, pilot projects are set up (3-6 month trial courses) and teaching materials are made available or developed.
The platform is focused on theological education and capacitating pastors and church members in the first place, but is also used for other programs. It often involves health, social projects and economic projects.
The costs of this project amount to € 27.500 for three years (2014-2016). The Huisman Foundation contributes € 25.000. The remaining € 2.500 are own contributions of the involved organizations / students.
Click on the following link to find more information about the E-learning platform for blended learning. Project document blended learning.